We decided it was time to share OUR POV. As we are in that weird gap between Gen Z and Millenials, we know exactly what’s happening and how to translate that into engaging campaigns.
Team POV
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Get to know us.
Founded in 2022, POV Agency aims to help brands tell their story through influencer marketing and TikTok. At the core we are creators with an ambition to change the landscape of influencer marketing. Instead of making things difficult, we try to simplify processes by focusing on data and accessibility for all brands.

Miisa’s POV.
I’m born and raised in Finland but have spent several years in the US. Some guilty pleasures of mine include overpriced coffees and binge scrolling through social media. My POV is to keep exploring the great things social media makes possible for both creators and businesses.
How to find TikTok influencers?
If your target group is using TikTok (which honestly – they probably are), your brand should definitely be present there too. Oftentimes, working with influencers is more effective than building your brand presence from scratch. Here’s our POV on how to find TikTok influencers!